Life Skills Curriculum for Community Agency Clients | MA

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Everyone Can Develop Skills for Success
An Invitation to participate in an innovative program which improves
lives and work environments through practical changes and skills building.

Skills for SUccess
Self Esteem Boston Educational Institute has traditionally provided essential skills-based self-esteem education to high-risk, underserved people and the professionals who serve them.  By practicing self-esteem principles, our participants learn how to make healthy life choices, gain confidence to meet challenges, and become economically independent.  Our educational Institute has served thousands of clients and service providers and is the only organization of its kind dedicated to delivering self-esteem  educational programs as the foundation for changing people’s lives.  Our exciting Skills for Success Program is based on the latest research on self-esteem development. The information in each unit is pivotal to the development of self-respect and self-efficacy, the two main characteristics of people with high self-esteem.

The teaching staff at Self Esteem Boston uses a self-esteem based approach to training which encourages self-discovery. Our interactive workshops combine exciting presentations by our expert staff with experiential activities and discussion to engage workshop participants in cooperative learning. By creating an atmosphere of acceptance and trust, ideas are shared freely and new knowledge is more easily assimilated. Relaxation, variety and fun combine to create the high interest level necessary for optimal retention and positive change.

All of our programs are based on the idea that self-esteem influences all aspects of our lives. How we think about ourselves determines how we think about others. If we are able to acknowledge our inherent self-worth and hold firm in the belief that we are capable of learning, changing, and growing, then we can live more peacefully and more cooperatively. The Skills for Success Program provides participants with the tools and skills necessary for the attainment of a happy, peaceful and productive life.

Educators, parents, business and government leaders agree that we need to help individuals develop healthy or high self-esteem.  What does that mean? Tolerance and respect for others, responsibility for one’s actions, integrity, pride in accomplishments,  self-motivation, a willingness to take responsible risks, the capability of handling criticism,  responding to  challenges and setting worthwhile and demanding goals, as well as becoming trusting, confident and respectful of one’s decisions, abilities and self-worth.

Self-esteem is developed through an internal, educational approach, using interactive exercises, which ultimately helps us succeed at work and in life.  At Self-Esteem Boston Educational Institute, our mission and focus to build self-esteem through diverse direct client service programs serving homeless and domestic violence shelters, pre-release prison groups, substance treatment and recovery residences as well as other at-risk groups facing critical needs.

Self Esteem Boston’s “Skills For Success” program is an intervention designed to help people navigate life’s challenges and instill a sense of their own competency and self-worth and help people affirm their right to success and happiness. 

The skills for success program consists of the following units:

Skills for Building Confidence
Self-Awareness (5 Modules)
Self-Esteem (5 Modules)
Managing Stress (5 Modules)

Skills for Self-Improvement
Decision-Making (5 Modules)
Goal Setting (5 Modules)
Motivation (4 Modules)

Skills for Responsible Relationships
Communication (4 Modules)
Relationship Dynamics (4 Modules)
Conflict Resolution (4 Modules)

To purchase or learn more about these units, use the buttons below.

Scroll down below to learn about each unit’s program details.

Participants will:

  • Build their self-confidence
  • Enhance feelings of self-worth
  • Develop social and economic goals
  • Communicate with confidence
  • Ability to make good decisions
  • Confidence in managing money
  • Facilitators Guide
  • Activity Sheets
  • Pre and Post Evaluation Tools


  • Feeling of self-empowerment
  • Attitude toward money
  • Ability to set personal and career goals
  • Ability to be self-assertive
  • Ability to Communicate Strengths
  • Ability to create a clear career path
  • You’ll likely witness an increase in both employee satisfaction and retention from staff feeling both valued and motivated – this very well might mean they’ll enjoy their work to a greater degree and be more willing to go that extra mile for your clients!
  • Develop higher functioning, and more effective and productive teams
  • Build client confidence communication and advocacy skills – these should reduce recidivism and relapse, and increase clients’ chance of success!


  • Ready-to-use, easily implemented presentations, lesson plans, and facilitator’s guide – saving you extensive planning time and the associated costs of developing your own training program
  • Interactive activities and exercises to help clients develop skills to overcome barriers to reach their goals
  • Evaluation tools to measure client program outcomes
  • Multi-language material – English, Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, and Arabic


Our Skills for Success curriculum is an expanded life skills program which develops basic self esteem tools and essential personal skills such as setting and achieving goals, positive communication, and effective parenting, leadership skills, learning how to work successfully with others, and sustaining accountability.

*These materials are for educational and informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Self Esteem Boston makes no representations regarding the results of following the program set out in these materials.


Skills for Building Self Confidence

Self-Awareness Unit

The ability to understand yourself and make improvements in your life begins with self-awareness. The participant will gain knowledge of limiting thoughts and self-defeating behaviors and will learn esteem-building skills to gain confidence in responding to every day challenges.

SA-01:  Self-Concept Assessment
How you see yourself, consciously and subconsciously, affects your life.
Learn the meaning of self-concept and how to assess it.
Learn about the feelings and opinions of others through group interaction.
Discover techniques to develop and improve self-concept.

SA-02:  From Awareness to Positive Change
We are often unaware of the impact of how we think, feel, and act.
Identify limiting thoughts, negative feelings, and unskillful behaviors.
Discover how negative attitudes affect your life.
Learn compassion and self-acceptance while working to change.

SA-03:  Response Power
Although some situations in life are not in our control, we can choose our response to them and influence the outcome.
Discover a technique to learn from the past.
Understand the power of responses to events.
Learn how healthy responses can increase self-esteem.

SA-04:  Expressing Anger
When your anger gets out of control, you often regret the decisions you make and actions you take in the heat of the moment.
Learn guidelines for managing anger and conflict.
Discuss how to express anger appropriately.
Identify areas for improving anger management skills.
Learn how to build your self-esteem with effective anger management skills.

SA-05:  Transforming Fear
Which fears hold you back in life? How can fears be understood and dealt with?
Gain awareness of fears and how to cope with them in healthy ways.
Learn to see fear as a natural emotion.
Learn how unhealthy fears can affect self-esteem.

Self-Esteem Unit

Self-esteem is the foundation of a successful and happy life. The participant will learn the meaning of self-esteem and acquire skills to personal growth and self-improvement.

SE-01:  Self-Esteem Assessment
Self-esteem means feeling worthy and being capable to cope with challenges in life.
Understand the true meaning of self-esteem.
Assess self-esteem skills.
Learn about the feelings and opinions of others through group interaction.
Find ways to improve self-esteem.

SE-02:  Affirmation Guidelines
You are what you think. Affirmations are a powerful tool for building self-esteem.
Learn about the meaning and use of affirmations.
Practice creating individualized affirmations.
Identify areas for growth and learn how to use affirmations for positive change.

SE-03:  Accomplishments
You can raise your self-esteem by recognizing and valuing your accomplishments.
Identify personal achievements and attitudes towards them.
Discover the feelings and opinions of others through group interaction.
Learn how perception of accomplishments affects self-esteem.

SE-04:  Purpose in Life
What fulfills you and gives your life meaning?
Learn an introspective process of self-discovery.
Focus on positive self-descriptions.
Apply new understanding of life’s purpose to set future goals.

SE-05:  Career Skills
The challenges of an ever-changing job market include learning new skills, changing careers, reentering the work force, finding and keeping a job.
Identify professional strengths, talents, and interests.
Build confidence by developing accurate self-descriptions and sharing with others.
Expand thinking about employment possibilities. 

Managing Stress Unit

Stress can be a major obstacle to achieving what you want. By learning to manage the challenges of life more effectively, you greatly improve your chances for success. The participant will learn stress reduction techniques and develop new strategies for coping with stressful situations.

MS-01:  Techniques for Relaxation
Relaxation is an essential ingredient for health and well-being, and it creates more enjoyment of the simple pleasures in life.
Practice relaxation techniques to cope with stress.
Identify areas of stress in the body and the mind.
Learn how relaxation techniques lead to health, well-being, and increased self-esteem.

MS-02:  Priorities
What is most important to you and what are you doing to get it?
Review personal priorities. Reflect on priorities in different aspects of life.
Identify the first steps to accomplishing desires in life.
Understand the relationship between setting priorities and increasing self-esteem.

MS-03:  Balance in Life
In today’s rapidly paced society, there are many challenges around juggling careers, home, and family. Assess the way time is currently being spent and how it affects stress. Identify a healthier, more peaceful allocation of time for each activity. Learn about the value of balancing time for increasing self-esteem.

MS-04:  Health and Well-Being Assessment
The body-mind connection affects our health and self-esteem. Assess personal health and well-being. Learn indicators of health and well-being. Learn about the feelings and opinions of others through group interaction. Build self-esteem by paying attention to personal health and well-being.

MS-05:  Attitudes Towards Money
Does money stress you out? What do you really believe about wealth? Identify attitudes and beliefs about money. Develop healthier attitudes about success and money. Discover new ways to set goals to increase abundance. Learn how healthy attitudes about money can increase self-esteem

Skills For Self-Improvement

Decision Making Unit

A major ingredient for success is the clear and logical thought process involved in effective decision making. The participant will learn effective methods to alleviate anxiety around decision making and make problem solving fun.

DM-01:  Evaluating Your Alternatives
Making good decisions is about choosing from among alternatives to find the one that fits you best. Learn a technique for assessing alternatives and improving decision making skills. Gain awareness of the impact of decisions on all aspects of life. Learn how thoughtful decision making can increase self-esteem.

DM-02:  A Tool for Decision Making
Making healthy decisions means balancing your thoughts and emotions, considering all angles of each option.  Learn a technique to make better decisions.
Increase confidence in decision making skills. Discover the feelings and opinions of others through group interaction. Build self-esteem by improving decision making skills.

DM-03:  Problem Solving Skills Assessment
Seeing problems as challenges creates the opportunity to learn and grow. Assess problem solving skills to identify strengths and weaknesses. Discover ways to improve problem solving skills. Learn about the feelings and opinions of others through group interaction. Understand how effective problem solving increases self-trust and self-esteem.

DM-04:  Brainstorming
Problem-solving “outside the box” is easier in a relaxed and supportive group.
Discover a creative approach to problem solving. Learn guidelines for brainstorming. Learn how healthy attitudes about creative conflict resolution can increase self-esteem.

DM-05:  Creating a Plan of Action 
Resolving a problem often means taking concrete steps to make a change.  Learn about action plans. Learn how to work with others to clarify issues. Develop a workable solution to a challenging situation. Build confidence by creating and following a plan. 

Goal Setting Unit

A major source of self-esteem is the ability to create and accomplish realistic and desirable goals. The participant will learn the value of using the guidelines of goal setting to lead to an experience of success. 

GS-01:  Goal Setting Skills Assessment
Setting and completing a goal affects our sense of competence and strengthens our self-esteem.
Assess skills and attitudes around goal setting.
Identify ways to improve goal setting skills.
Learn about the feelings and opinions of others through group interaction.
Understand how achieving goals builds self-esteem.

GS-02:  Goal Setting Guidelines
Some goals we set are unattainable and inevitably lead to failure.
Learn guidelines for goal setting that increases success rates.
Build confidence by creating realistic goals.
Develop healthy attitudes about success.

GS-03:  Goal Contracts
Effective goal-setting includes a few key elements that lead to increased motivation and success.
Create a personal contract for an important goal.
Break down the goal into achievable steps.
Learn the value of rewards for accomplishing a goal.
Create an affirmation for success.

GS-04:  Identifying and Overcoming Obstacles
Resilience is the ability to overcome obstacles, and is an important part of self-esteem.
Increase awareness of obstacles to your goals.
Learn how to use visualization to achieve goals.
Acknowledge the power of inner strength to overcome obstacles.

GS-05:  Keys to Success
What makes some people so successful? What do they know that everyone else does not?
Learn about the key components of success.
Discover ways to increase success rates and stay motivated.
Develop a positive attitude toward success.

Motivation Unit

Motivation is a key component for maintaining a productive and responsible lifestyle. Participants will learn how to motivate themselves and seek positive reinforcement from available resources.

 MO-01:  Positive Attitude Assessment
Positive thinking opens you up to opportunities and keeps you motivated to reach your goals. Assess your attitude for strengths and find areas for improvement. Discuss how to develop a more positive attitude. Learn about the feelings and opinions of others through group interaction. Understand how attitude affects motivation and self-esteem.

MO-02:  The Path to Your Dreams
Using the imagination to visualize what you want is a way of motivating yourself at a very deep level. Learn how to use creative imagery for personal growth. Discover the mind’s power to create a life of happiness. Explore how a sense of self-worth affects your life.

MO-03:  Wisdom to Know the Difference
We are more motivated when we stop trying to change things that are out of our control and focus on things in our power. Learn more about the limits of power and control. Focus on the areas in life where change is possible. Gain acceptance of what is outside your control. Build peace of mind and self-esteem by developing acceptance and taking responsibility for life.

MO-04:  Guidelines for Self-Motivation
Motivate yourself and get out of the rut. Learn guidelines for self-motivation.
Find ways to increase success rates. Build confidence on the road to success.
Discover how self-motivation leads to increased self-esteem.

Skills For Responsible Relationships 

Communication Unit

An essential ingredient for success in all aspects of life is the ability to communicate effectively and assertively. The participant will learn communication skills and develop ways to use them as a tool for personal success.

CM-01:  Communication Guidelines
Your interactions at work and home can improve dramatically when you develop strong communication skills. Discuss communication guidelines and the rewards of effective communication. Identify areas for improving communication skills. Learn how effective communication leads to better self-esteem.

CM-02:  Understanding “I” Messages
Express yourself assertively and respectfully, and still say what you want to say.
Discover how to express wants and needs appropriately. Learn how to compose a confrontational “I” message. Find out how practicing clear and direct communication raises self-esteem.

CM-03:  Assertiveness Skills Assessment
Knowing how to ask for what you need, set a clear boundary, and stand up for yourself while maintaining respect for others are critical life skills. Learn the meaning of assertiveness and how it improves communication. Assess and become aware of assertiveness skills. Focus on improving assertiveness skills.
Understand how becoming more assertive builds self-esteem.

CM-04:  Listening Skills
How do you show others that you are listening to them? Learn about active listening skills. Practice being attentive and listening in nonjudgmental ways.
Identify areas for improving listening skills. Discover how active listening helps resolve conflict, improve relationships, and builds self-esteem.

Relationship Dynamics  Unit

Learning to develop and maintain positive relationships is a vital skill of the successful individual. The participant will discover how to deal with relationship barriers and will acquire tools for maintaining positive relationships.

 RD-01:  Bridging Relationship Barriers
Being accepted and included by others is a basic human need.
Identify barriers to successful relationships.
Develop ways to overcome relationship barriers.
Determine how much personal responsibility to take in creating healthy relationships.
Interact with others by sharing insights.

RD-02:  Support Networks
Who do you turn to in times of need, when you want understanding, encouragement, support, or assistance of any kind?
Assess the strengths and gaps in a support network.
Identify the first steps toward strengthening support networks.
Learn how adequate support can be a safety net for self-esteem.

RD-03:  Boundaries Assessment
Clarifying and respecting boundaries can make any relationship stronger.
Learn about the value of setting personal and professional boundaries.
Assess boundaries and understand how they affect your life.
Discover how to build self-esteem by asserting healthy boundaries.

RD-04:  Giving and Receiving Feedback
Giving direct feedback can be uncomfortable and receiving criticism is difficult for many people.
Learn guidelines for giving helpful and constructive criticism.
Learn ways to be less defensive and more open to receiving negative feedback.
Identify areas for improvement.
Discover how building feedback skills improves relationships and increases self-esteem.

Conflict Resolution Unit

Conflict is inevitable. The intent of each class in this series, is to teach techniques that lead to peaceful resolutions in which everybody wins. The participant will learn techniques for coping with everyday conflict and learn to use conflict resolution skills to handle conflict in a positive manner.

CR-01:  Conflict Escalators
Conflict can quickly explode from a disagreement to a fight.
Identify behaviors that escalate a conflict.
Discuss behaviors that decrease tension in a conflict.
Learn how healthy behaviors during conflict can increase self-esteem.

CR-02:  Conflict Resolution Skills Assessment
Finding your strengths in conflict resolution improves confidence. Knowing your weaknesses allows you to improve your conflict resolution skills and achieve success.
Raise awareness of conflict resolution skills.
Learn ways to improve conflict resolution skills.
Learn about the feelings and opinions of others through group interaction.
Understand how to build self-esteem by developing conflict resolution skills.

CR-03:  Attitudes Toward Conflict
Negative attitudes and beliefs about conflict can make it hard to reach a win/win outcome.
Explore common myths about conflict.
Develop healthier attitudes about conflict.
Discover alternative ways of dealing with conflict.
Learn how healthy attitudes about conflict can increase self-esteem.

CR-04:  Handling Challenging Relationships
Even the best relationships have challenges. How can you create harmony and also keep your personal integrity?
Explore a relationship challenge through an introspective process.
Focus on relationship goals.
Clarify how much responsibility to take in resolving relationship problems.
Determine a path to more harmonious relationships.